
Hi! My name is Astra and I'll go by literally any pronoun conceivable except for they/them. I'm a Chinese-Canadian digital artist with a fair few interests dotted around everywhere. I love space and the ocean. Also hey you aren't supposed to be here I'm not done with this page yet :squint:

Generate me a Pronoun

Don't know how to refer to me? Don't want to use the ol boring conventional she/he/it pronouns? Getting some choice paralysis between neopronouns? Well I've got the thing just for you! Click the button below to generate a random pronoun for you to use for me for whatever reason you need it for the low, low price of $0.00! Get your randomly generated neopronoun now today for just $0.00 (Offer lasts forever)!

Uh, I'm working on it. Give me a chance, lol.